Acabo de ver a una chica muy hermosa y voluptuosa, me acerqué a ella con cautela y le pregunté si le gustaría audicionar como presentadora de televisión, ella muy ingenuamente dijo "si", se emocionó mucho y la llevé al estudio, le dije tienes que hacer un mérito para conseguir el trabajo necesitas mostrarme tu cuerpo desnudo, ella dudó al principio pero luego accedí, me mostró sus enormes tetas y su duro culo, así que tienes que verlo.
Dasha is 38 years old. Referred to us by her friend who also worked with MomPov. New to porn, but has worked in a brothel in the past. She is foreign, speaks with sexy accent. Is shy at first, once comfortable she becomes a freak. Has always been very sexual, sex comes natural to her. Loves getting fucked from behind, makes her cum hard. Its been 6 months since she last had sex, VERY tight pussy. She also has never tried anal but we went for it. She wants to come back to try more anal next time. She has them salsa moves with the hips and knows how to fuck. After multiple orgasms during the shoot, she was happy. She was fun to fuck, had a real nice ass, I had fun. At the end she took my cum on her face.